Avtor: Uroš Švagan (DJ Lokafun)
Havana D'Primera in njegovo veličanstvo Alexander Abreu so nam v novem svežnju spletli 12 udobnih odejic za prihajajočo zimo. Odejic, v katere se bomo lahko obdali, one pa nam bodo s svojo toplino segle globoko v srce in nam napolnile naše odtujene duše, hrepeneče po nežnosti njihovih naravnih in večno svežih surovin, skrbno nabranih na Kubi in v njeni okolici. Nove odejice so morda dolgoletnim ljubiteljem znamke Havana D'Primera že malce predvidljive, a kljub temu vedno zbudijo strnjen šus emocij, kot ga premore le redkokateri konkurenčni proizvajalec. Če smo pričakovali več presenečenj, je to le posledica naše razvajenosti. Pri Havana D'Primera jih znajo dozirati v ravno pravšnji meri, a to spoznamo šele kasneje. Zvesti ljubitelji znamke na prvo žogo pogosto čutimo rahlo razočaranje, saj nove odejice ob prvem preiskusu nikoli niso točno takšne, kot smo si jih želeli. A sčasoma ugotovimo, da so točno takšne, kot smo jih potrebovali. Že Steve Jobs je poudarjal, da ni naloga kupca, da bi vedel, kaj bi rad. Pravo esenco nove odejice Havana D'Primera dobijo šele takrat, ko se malo uležejo. Kot superge, ki so v začetku trde, potem pa se počasi prilagodijo našim občutljivim stopalom. Odejice Havana D'Primera so trpežne in zagotavljajo svežino na dolgi rok, ker v njih kljub navidezni podobnosti šele sčasoma začnemo odkrivati razlike v podrobnostih, ki jih prej nismo zaznali, in zaradi katerih jih sčasoma vedno bolj cenimo. »El rey de la trompeta en Cuba« zna v kubanske surovine dovolj previdno umešavati nekubanske, da hkrati ostaja zanimiv, a se nikomur ne zameri preveč. Če je v prejšnjih svežnjih surovine nabiral po Dominikanski republiki, tokrat funkačate in merengeja ni. Če je kdo upal, da bo po surovine odjadral na kak drug sosednji otok, in morda zašel na Jamajko, se je raje oprl na takšne, s katerimi lahko spreobrača večji bazen sledilcev. Navsezadnje je tudi njegova dogodivščina predaleč v Afriko pred nekaj leti šla hitro v pozabo. Ciljni segment kupcev mora ostati v latinskih in latinofilskih ritomigcih, saj so te najbolj dovzetni za vibracije, ki jih ponujajo plesnjive surovine s Karibov. Tako v odejico Maria Magdalena previdno vnesejo prvine salsatona, A Belen Le Toca Ahora pa ponuja zelo okorno enolične salsa vzorce. Odejico Cu-Pr je sicer pomagal zašiti portoriški salsa filantrop Gilberto Santa Rosa, a kljub temu zbuja zelo kubanske občutke. Uspešna spreobrnitev? Ocenite sami. Promocijski oglas za odejico Cu-Pr je že nekaj časa na voljo na platformi Youtube, v tem trenutku pa snemajo že novega za odejico Secuestro, ki vas bo ugrabila in v vas vzbudila Stockholmski sindrom. Odejica Bicho Malo nosi melos bliže peruanski znamki Mayimbe, ko se na sredi med ovijanjem v žalost povsem zatakne, ustavi, in potem, ko smo že mislili, da je skrajnost dosežena, preide v genezo svetopisemskih razsežnosti s ponavljanjem zbora gora otožnosti. A v vsakem kvalitetnem svežnju mora biti namenska odejica za spopadanje s širokim razponom čustev. Morda največji odmik od predvidljivosti ponuja začetek La Chica Del Escenario, ki nas s klasičnim doo-wop vložkom ponese skoraj v leto 1950, in združuje nezdružljivo, ko uporabi zlajnanost za doseganje inovativnosti, kar je vedno odlikovalo vsaj kakšno oddejico iz svežnjev znamke Havana D'Primera. Ko se boste prvič ovili v to odejico, boste morda začutili Zadnji poljub Wayneja Cochrana, morda bolj znanega v izvedbi Pearl Jam. Ne bi bilo presenečenje, če bi si Aleksander sposodil vzorce namenoma, saj naj bi se Last Kiss že v originalu v 60-ih bolje prijela v latinskem svetu kot drugod. V tej skorajšnjem moderniziranem ponaredku Alexander z otroško pomladno zatreskanostjo obživžga bejbo na odru, kar prinaša pridih igrivosti v svet njegovih odejic. Ko stisnemo nove odejice k svojim ličkom in jih prislonimo blizu svojih ušes, nam kot školjke servirajo glasove duhov iz svoje preteklosti. Iz njih tako odzvanjajo sproščeni vzkliki, onomatopeje, brenčanja, rezgetanja, brundanja, smeh, žvižganje, in druge vibracije kralja kubanske trobente, iz katerih je čutiti, da se zares postavlja na trepalnice, da bi pod njegovimi odejicami s svojimi izlivi v vas uspešno injiciral svoje užitke ob tem, kar počne, s ciljem, da vas počasi in spretno pripravi do najčistejše oblike skupinskega orgazma. Odejice Havana D'Primera tako še nadalje nudijo čarobno sofisticiranost, ki se trudi biti dovolj ljudska, da ponese sadove izlivov njegovega veličanstva globalno v deveto vas in naprej. Serija Pueblo Griffo bi se lahko kot logično nadaljevanje prejšnje imenovala tudi Cantor del Pueblo Griffo, nov sveženj pa so bojda snovali že med pripravo prejšnjega. Alexander ga je razposlal po svetu na svoj 47 rojstni dan, in ga poimenoval po soseski v Cienfuegosu, kjer je odraščal. Akterji znamke Havana D'Primera pa Kubo kmalu začasno zapuščajo, in pravijo »Sajonara, gudbaj maj lof«. Konec Septembra bodo razstavljali svoje odejice po Evropi, morda pa se ustavijo tudi kje blizu nas. Po trenutno znanih podatkih bodo najbliže v začetku novembra v Stuttgartu, Zurichu in Rimu. Kaj pa druge odejice? So še boljše, samo pozornost bralcev se z leti zmanjšuje. Ta spis je le poskus, da z interpretacijo pomagamo poslušalcu doumeti manj doumljivo. In če povzamemo celotni sveženj: »če ste ljubitelji timbe, vam bo všeč, če pa niste, pa postanite, kaj še čakate?!
Author: Uroš Švagan (DJ Lokafun)
Havana D'Primera and his majesty Alexander Abreu have woven twelve comfortable blankets for us in a new bundle for the upcoming winter. When we wrap ourselves, the blankets will reach deep into our hearts and fill our estranged souls, longing for the warmth and the tenderness of their natural and eternally fresh materials, carefully harvested and ginned in Cuba and its neighbouring countries. The twelve new blankets may seem somewhat predictable to the long-time Havana D'Primera enthusiasts, but they always evoke bursts of emotions, as only a few competitors can. If we anticipated more surprises, we can only acknowledge our own sense of entitlement and blame our tendency to be spoiled. Havana D'Primera has a knack for dosing them perfectly, though we only come to appreciate them later. Since the new blankets are never exactly what we wanted, the devoted fans of the brand often feel a slight disappointment at first glance. However, we eventually realize that the new bundle offers precisely what we needed. As Steve Jobs emphasized, it's not the customer's job to know what he wants. The true essence of the new Havana D'Primera blankets is revealed only when they settle in a bit. Like sneakers that are initially stiff, but then gradually adapt to our sensitive feet. Havana D'Primera blankets are not only durable but also offer lasting freshness. Their diversity and quality reveal themselves in the intricate details we keep uncovering every time we wrap ourselves in their warmth. El Rey de la Trompeta en Cuba knows how to carefully blend Cuban with the non-Cuban ingredients, well enough to remain interesting, but without offending anyone too much. In previous collections, the King sourced his materials from the Dominican Republic. This time however, there's no hint of funkachata or merengue. If anyone hoped the King would sail off to some other neighboring island, and perhaps even venture to Jamaica, he favored embarking on journeys to destinations where the crowds would be more easily seduced and converted. After all, his adventure into Africa a few years ago quickly faded into obscurity. The target customer segment must remain among Latin and latinophile butt twisters, as they are the most receptive to the vibrations offered by Caribbean fibers. While the Maria Magdalena blanket cautiously introduces imitations of salsaton and reparto, A Belen Le Toca Ahora offers clumsily repetitive salsa patterns. Although Puerto Rican salsa philanthropist Gilberto Santa Rosa did help stitch the Cu-Pr blanket, it still evokes very Cuban feelings. A successful transformation? Judge for yourself. The promotional advertisement for the Cu-Pr blanket has been available on YouTube for some time now, while the new one is just being shot for the Secuestro blanket, which will kidnap you and awaken the Stockholm syndrome within you. The Bicho Malo blanket carries sensations closer to the Peruvian brand Mayimbe, as it gets completely stuck in the middle of wrapping us into sadness – stops - and then - just as we thought the depth of our despair has been reached, it transitions into the biblical genesis of repetative mountainous melancholy. But any great collection must offer a purposeful blanket for confronting a wide range of emotions. Perhaps the biggest departure from predictability comes at the beginning of La Chica Del Escenario, with its classic doo-wop chord progression and singing style, which transports us back to the 1950s. It combines the incompatible, using clichés to achieve innovation, which has always characterized at least one blanket from the Havana D'Primera collections. When you first wrap yourself into it, you might feel a touch of Wayne Cochran's Last Kiss, perhaps better known in Pearl Jam's rendition. It wouldn't be surprising if Alexander borrowed patterns intentionally, as the Last Kiss was said to have resonated better in the Latin world in its original version in the 1960s. In this almost modernized imitation, Alexander catcallingly whistles to a girl on stage with a childlike springtime infatuation, bringing a playful touch to the world of his blankets. When we squeeze the new blankets to our cheeks and bring them closer to our ears, they serve us the voices of spirits from their past, just like the seashells do. They echo relaxed exclamations, onomatopoeias, buzzing, whinnying, rumbling, laughter, whistling, and other vibrations of the Cuban King of the trumpet. You can feel that he is truly pushing the boundaries to successfully inject his own pleasures into you - under his blankets - through his outpourings - aiming to slowly and skillfully prepare you for the purest form of collective orgasm. Havana D'Primera blankets continue to offer a magical sophistication that strives to be populist just enough to carry the fruits of his majesty's outpourings globally to the ends of the Earth and beyond. As a logical continuation of the previous bundle, Pueblo Griffo could as well have been named Cantor del Pueblo Griffo. Reportedly, the King had been working on it long ago while preparing the previous bundle. The King Alexander distributed the new bundle worldwide on his 47th birthday, naming it after the neighborhood in Cienfuegos where he grew up. The main actors of the Havana D'Primera brand are temporarily leaving Cuba and saying "Sayonara, goodbye my loff". At the end of September, they will be showcasing their blankets across Europe, and they might even make a stop somewhere near you. But what about the other blankets from the bundle? Well, they might even be better than those explicitly mentioned in this article, but the reader's attention has now subsided, wondering "Why did I just walk over this mambo jumbo, when i could just read the final summary?". And the summary goes like: »If you're a timba lover, you'll enjoy it. If you're not, then become one – what are you waiting for?!" |
TREMENDA MUELA Za vse, ki bi kubanske plese, glasbo in kulturo radi razumeli res intimno. Arhivi
September 2023